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Trip Update: H56-27 Serenity—Close Encounter

Here’s a rocket’s first stage floating 300 miles from where it launched at Cape Canaveral. It’s well over 100 ft long. Imagine hitting this at sea. Imagine it falling out of the sky above!  A small ship nearby kept boats from getting close, but they didn’t see us until we’d already passed. Not sure if they were waiting for a tow or waiting for it to sink. You can see where we saw it on the chart plotter, the red hazard circle.

We saw a pod of Minke whales, and occasional birds including a Bermuda Longtail. One fish broke 150lb test and another straightened a hook, but no sashimi so far.

The boat did well, often slogging to windward as is common for this 1200 mile passage, lots of motoring in calms—too much motoring. She sailed equally great in 10 kts and calm seas to as much as 30 kts in 10 ft waves. Up to this point, roughly 1 day from St Thomas USVI, our average speed has been 8.2 kts and top speed 11.1 kts...not bad for a boat with a hard top!

20-25 kt wind expected tomorrow. Maybe we’ll hit 11.2!

Thanks to all who worked so hard on H56-27. She’s a beauty!

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